Flower Food for Cottage Life - Simple Edible Flower Recipes
Spring is a beautiful season – it is the season of rebirth, a time for change, a time to blossom, it represents the start of a new beginning. The earth begins to gain back her colors and flowers begin to bloom.
A row of colorful flowers in a kitchen garden isn't just an ornamental decoration. They also have a place at my table. Let's follow me today into my kitchen to dive in the stunning world of edible flowers. These are really simple recipes but could work wonder for your backyard garden party :)
Only use home grown flowers, or buy them at organic farm/food store to minimize pesticide exposure.
Eat only flowers that you are positive you can identify.
Here I use seasonal edible flowers such as: magnolia, forget-me-not, margerite daisy, pansy, carnation, tulip petals.